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Swagelok Helsinki

Service design, UX & UI design, Technical SEO, Front-end development
We helped Swagelok Helsinki with a complete redesign of their website, enhancing user experience and search engine visibility. We optimized the digital experience and updated the site template within the HubSpot environment, making marketing efforts easier and improving search engine rankings and appearance within corporate guidelines.
The challenge our customer faced

Poor usability and discoverability as a challenge

Swagelok Helsinki, a manufacturer of instrumentation components, needed help with a complete overhaul of its website, from user experience to search engine visibility. Liini assisted in refining the digital user experience of Swagelok's Finnish operations for both site visitors and internal users.

Swagelok Helsinki had already transitioned to using HubSpot's CRM and content management system but required assistance in updating the website’s template. The old template was very rigid, making it difficult to update the site and carry out marketing tasks.

"Using the technically outdated template was nearly impossible: none of the elements could be modified to fit our needs, and getting help from HubSpot was challenging," says Suvi Turkka-Puolitaival from Swagelok Helsinki's marketing team.

The website was also not easily discoverable by search engines, and its appearance needed an update—within the constraints set by the parent company.

Liini was chosen as Swagelok's partner to address these challenges using the Liini Loop method.

The solution we brought to the table

From ideas to concrete implementation

The new website was planned in collaborative workshops that focused on the desired customer experience, customer journeys, and the functionalities of the website.

"It was especially important for us to emphasize our service business and consider the website's rhythm: how to showcase our services, products, and expertise. Liini provided great ideas along the way, and we quickly found the desired direction," says Pekka Vartiainen, CEO of Swagelok Helsinki.

At the same time, the website's layout was revamped to be more agile, making it easier for marketing to execute campaigns and landing pages.

What was especially good about the project was Kauri's fantastic visions, ideas, and leadership on the visual side, as well as Samppo's expertise in developing SEO practices. I can also recommend Liini as a cost-effective partner: we achieved a lot within our budget.

Pekka Vartiainen

CEO, Swagelok Helsinki
How we went forward from there

Smooth collaboration, desired outcome

Vartiainen praises the collaboration with Liini as smooth throughout the entire project. The website's user experience was revamped for both external customers and internal users, which not only boosts sales but also makes site maintenance and updates easier. “We quickly got everything aligned with what we wanted,” Vartiainen says.

The direction for the future is clear: to implement more HubSpot features once the newly adopted ones become familiar.

swagelok verkkosivusto-uudistus
It's interesting, rewarding, and inspiring to collaborate with exceptionally competent professionals who excel in their field and, above all, are eager to refresh their work with the right amount of "shaking things up" while advancing the industry as a whole.
It's interesting, rewarding, and inspiring to collaborate with exceptionally competent professionals who excel in their field and, above all, are eager to refresh their work with the right amount of "shaking things up" while advancing the industry as a whole.