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Branding, Service Design, UX & UI Design, Technical SEO, Front-end Development
We revamped Tankkauspartio’s website to better meet the needs of the rapidly growing company. The overhaul also focused on providing an enhanced level of service to the company’s customer groups.
The challenge our customer faced

Better service as a goal

Tankkauspartio is a fuel logistics company that provides refueling and heating services, primarily for construction sites. The company stands out from its competitors with its fast and flexible service. In addition to businesses, Tankkauspartio also serves households with boat refueling and heating oil replenishment.

Tankkauspartio chose Liini Agency as its partner because they had heard positive feedback from their partners and wanted a long-term, experienced collaborator by their side.

Liini redesigned Tankkauspartio's website to reflect the company’s evolved brand identity and to offer customers an easy and quick way to get in touch. Liini also helped Tankkauspartio find a more comprehensive solution to support sales and marketing.

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The solution we brought to the table

Good groundwork as a foundation for success

The project began by mapping out Tankkauspartio's key target groups and their needs. In workshops, buyer personas were created, customer challenges were examined, and the brand's core essence was uncovered. The knowledge gathered during these workshops was utilized in the design of the website's appearance, user experience, and content.

Tankkauspartio aimed to serve its customers better with the new website and clearly communicate the values the company represents, as well as how it meets the needs of various target groups. The previous website mainly focused on construction site needs, but there was a desire to provide a more comprehensive overview of the expanded service offerings. HubSpot CMS was chosen as the website's content management system due to its convenience, user-friendliness, and comprehensive features that facilitate sales and marketing.

Future plans include establishing a process for continuous content production, developing marketing automation, and further improving customer service through extranet application development.

We received clear and beautiful pages. We were satisfied with the provider, who responded quickly to our requests and questions. We also received positive feedback on brainstorming our ideas.

Jesse Teppo

Sales Manager | Tankkauspartio
How we went forward from there

Collaboration continues after the project

The project was completed on schedule and through good collaboration, but a surprise along the way was the deep integration of the Tankkauspartio's previous website with their dispatch system, which could not be directly connected to the new site. The issue was resolved by separating the integration into a modern web application, allowing for the development of the planned extranet channel.

The revamped site met Tankkauspartio's expectations, and the collaboration continues even after the project.

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The project progressed as planned, and the collaboration with Tankkauspartio has been highly effective. Our ongoing partnership has deepened our understanding of their business, enabling us to provide even better support in achieving their goals.
The project progressed as planned, and the collaboration with Tankkauspartio has been highly effective. Our ongoing partnership has deepened our understanding of their business, enabling us to provide even better support in achieving their goals.