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Take your online & offline services to the next level with an innovative approach. We combine experience design and co-creation to give you the flexibility to meet the needs of a rapidly changing market.

Here for us

Enduring humane and ecological design solutions

We design people-to-people services for all stages of the customer journey. Our philosophy is to transform ideas and strategies into tangible, attractive, usable services seamlessly combining creativity and functionality.

Our service covers everything from UX research to prototyping and design realisation.

Our goal is to deliver world-class experiences for your customers and employees. It's time to say goodbye to old-fashioned methods and welcome new, innovative, and effective solutions that represent your brand in the best possible way.

Take control of the airspace your brand deserves today!

Your center-point of contact

Get in touch with me about anything design-related!

Thought-out design to help heal the world

Humanely responsible with a touch of love for the environment.

Responsibility has been a cornerstone of our operations since the inception of our company. We aim to uphold our corporate responsibility (ESG) in terms of environmental, social, and good governance practices.

Environmental Responsibility

Environmental responsibility encompasses our duty to protect and preserve the environment. At Liini, we strive to mitigate climate change and operate in a carbon-neutral manner. We assess our energy usage in the office, implement energy-efficient solutions for digital services, recycle all our equipment, and actively support conservation efforts.

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility guides our interactions with society and employees. At Liini, we prioritise people by promoting equality, fostering a diverse and inclusive corporate culture, and by maintaining a safe work environment. We choose partners who share our ethical values. 

Good Governance

Good governance is a fundamental part of our operations, ensuring that our company operates transparently and responsibly. At Liini, we adhere to strict ethical principles and practices in everything we do. Our operations are based on continuous improvement, and we encourage all our employees to participate in promoting good governance.

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