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Build sustainable growth through growth marketing, data and analytics. We help you improve conversions and deepen your customer insight by designing and implementing effective growth initiatives.


Monetisation, gamification and analytics.

It doesn't matter if you already know terms like CLTV or MRR - the important thing is that together we understand how we can use data to increase customer insight and create sustainable growth for your business.

We focus on designing and implementing measures that will make a significant impact on the growth of your business. We will develop a growth plan from which we will select the strategies and actions that best support your business right now.

The measures to be implemented can range from a branding campaign to ongoing AB testing of a mobile app.

Forget fragmented campaigns across channels - we'll help you acquire engaged customers at every stage of the customer journey and use modern marketing tactics to drive your business forward.


To ensure the success of our interventions, we measure their effectiveness using the AAARRR model, which helps identify the most productive channels.


Shall we start working together? Let's roll up our sleeves and make your business a success!

Meet our clients.

Customer insight and growth strategies

Every company and its customer journey is unique. We aim to gain a deep understanding of how your customer paths work and what can be done to influence them. We build a comprehensive picture of your company's customer journey, enabling you to create effective revenue strategies and model customer behaviour.

This process leads to increased customer insight, which in turn improves customer loyalty and your business performance.

Where we can help:

  • Acquisition strategies/monetisation
  • Customer path modelling
  • Push notification strategies
  • Gamification

Growth marketing and growth hacking

Growth marketing is all about finding potential customers and turning them into advocates for your brand. This approach uses your brand as a differentiator from your competitors, while creating engaging content around their needs. 

Growth hacking consists of tactics aimed at rapid growth, aiming to make your product or service viral. The key objective of growth hacking is to maximise brand visibility and capture the interest of potential customers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Data, analytics & BI

Data is today's "oil", as it can be a major driver of organisational performance. Properly collected and analysed, data can effectively steer your business in the right direction.

Data visualisation brings key business data into one place, providing a holistic view of multiple critical data sources. This allows you to make decisions based on reliable and comprehensive information.

Where we can help:

  • Data visualisation and dashboards
  • CDP and DMP solutions
  • Combining data sources
  • Cookies and data protection
  • Data warehousing
  • Web analytics

Pre-packaged products.

We have packaged some of our most popular services into easy-to-order products. Take a look at the options below or request a quote for a tailor-made implementation.

Digital Due Diligence

We examine which technologies and processes are burdening your organisation and hindering your performance. You'll receive a clear report prioritising the most important development actions. Ask us more!

Analytics auditing

We identify what's wrong with your analytics. We'll go through measurement processes, data management and reporting. Contact us and ask us more!

Digital roadmap

The Digital Roadmap helps plan future technological developments and their costs. The roadmap is typically developed on the basis of a Digital Due Diligence project. Ask us more!

How can we help you today?